PANDA Reporting Logo

Submit Anonymous Report

Report Form
Please provide details about the issue you want to report. All submitted information will be encrypted and kept anonymous.

Select the category that best describes the type of issue you are reporting.

Provide a short but specific title that summarizes the issue you are reporting.

Provide as much detail as possible to help us understand and verify your report.

If you'd like us to be able to contact you for more information, please provide a secure contact method. This is completely optional.

Upload any relevant files or evidence that support your report. Supported formats include: PNG, JPG, PDF, DOC, MP4. All files will be encrypted locally before upload.

Important Note

This is a demo version. In production, all data would be encrypted locally and transmitted through secure channels. For now, please do not submit any sensitive or real information.

Reporting Statistics
Overview of platform reporting activity

Coming Soon

Reporting statistics feature is under development and will be available in future releases.